
Beginning and Ending

Tanggal 13 September kemaren, mrupakan hari terakhir sekaligus hari yang baru buat Tasya,  salah satu Account Executive di kantor saya. Salah satu temen terdeket saya juga di Jakarta huhu. Really happy to see her moving on!
See you 'round at the place where everybody hangs out, dear Tasya :-)

Ini salah satu proyek saya dan Tasya:

Akhirnya ngaplod kerjaan kantor juga hehehe...


Another Wedding Bliss

Kartu sederhana untuk pasangan berbahagia, Edwin & Azelia... :-)


Whale Shark of Oslob, The Philippines

Acrylic on Canson art paper

I wonder if I'll ever see you again...


Something Changed

Several times I told my co-worker, "I hate fonts!" "I don't find any sense on typograph!" etc, etc. Few weeks after, I found my notebook filled by bunch of these kind of.....lettering? Yes, I made it.

Or one day I found myself as a participant of 8K run in my town. What the? I used to really really really hate run back then. But I was one of those finishers.

Yeah like a sentence of the Pulp lyrics,
"When we woke up that morning we had no way of knowing...that in a matter of hours we'd change the way we were going."

Something changed.